// Determine browser. var isMinNS4 = ( navigator.appName.indexOf( "Netscape" ) >= 0 && parseFloat( navigator.appVersion ) >= 4 ) ? 1 : 0; var isMinIE4 = ( document.all ) ? 1 : 0; var isMinIE5 = ( isMinIE4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "5." ) ) >= 0 ? 1 : 0; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer visibility. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function hideLayer( layer ) { //alert("hide 1=="+isMinNS4); if ( isMinNS4 ) { //alert("hide 2="+layer); layer.visibility = "hide"; } if (isMinIE4) { // //alert("hide 3="+layer.style); layer.style.visibility = "hidden"; ////alert("pixelLeft="+layer.style.pixelLeft); } // //alert("hide 4"); } function showLayer( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.visibility = "show"; if ( isMinIE4 ) layer.style.visibility = "visible"; } /*function isVisible( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 && layer.visibility == "show" ) return( true ); if ( isMinIE4 && layer.style.visibility == "visible" ) return( true ); return( false ); }*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer positioning. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function moveLayerTo( layer, x, y ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.moveTo( x, y ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { // alert(layer.style.left+" "+layer.style.top); layer.style.left = x; layer.style.top = y; } } /*function moveLayerBy( layer, dx, dy ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.moveBy( dx, dy ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { layer.style.pixelLeft += dx; layer.style.pixelTop += dy; } }*/ function getLeft( layer ) { //alert("LEFT 1") ; if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.left ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { //alert("layer.style="+layer); return( layer.style.pixelLeft ); } return(-1); } function getTop( layer ) { //alert("LEFT 2") ; if ( isMinNS4 ) return(layer.top); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.style.pixelTop ); return(-1); } function getRight( layer ) { //alert("LEFT 3") ; if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.left + getWidth( layer ) ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.style.pixelLeft + getWidth( layer ) ); return( -1 ); } function getBottom( layer ) { //alert("LEFT 4") ; if ( isMinNS4 ) return(layer.top + getHeight(layer)); else if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.style.pixelTop + getHeight( layer ) ); return( -1 ); } function getPageLeft( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.pageX ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.offsetLeft ); return( -1 ); } function getPageTop( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.pageY ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.offsetTop ); return( -1 ); } function getWidth( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) { if ( layer.document.width ) return( layer.document.width ); else return( layer.clip.right - layer.clip.left ); } if ( isMinIE4 ) { if ( layer.style.pixelWidth ) return( layer.style.pixelWidth ); else return( layer.clientWidth ); } return( -1 ); } function getHeight( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) { if ( layer.document.height ) return( layer.document.height ); else return( layer.clip.bottom - layer.clip.top ); } if ( isMinIE4 ) { if ( false && layer.style.pixelHeight ) return( layer.style.pixelHeight ); else return( layer.clientHeight ); } return( -1 ); } /*function getzIndex( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.zIndex ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( layer.style.zIndex ); return( -1 ); }*/ function setzIndex( layer, z ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.zIndex = z; if ( isMinIE4 ) layer.style.zIndex = z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer clipping. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*function clipLayer( layer, clipleft, cliptop, clipright, clipbottom ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) { layer.clip.left = clipleft; layer.clip.top = cliptop; layer.clip.right = clipright; layer.clip.bottom = clipbottom; } if ( isMinIE4 ) layer.style.clip = 'rect(' + cliptop + ' ' + clipright + ' ' + clipbottom + ' ' + clipleft +')'; }*/ /*function getClipLeft( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.clip.left ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return( 0 ); var clip = getIEClipValues( layer.style.clip ); return( clip[3] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getClipTop( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.clip.top ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return( 0 ); var clip = getIEClipValues( layer.style.clip ); return( clip[0] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getClipRight( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.clip.right ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return(layer.style.pixelWidth); var clip = getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return( clip[1] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getClipBottom( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.clip.bottom ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return( layer.style.pixelHeight ); var clip = getIEClipValues( layer.style.clip ); return( clip[2] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getClipWidth( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( layer.clip.width ); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return( layer.style.pixelWidth ); var clip = getIEClipValues( layer.style.clip ); return( clip[1] - clip[3] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getClipHeight( layer ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return(layer.clip.height); if ( isMinIE4 ) { var str = layer.style.clip; if ( !str ) return( layer.style.pixelHeight ); var clip = getIEClipValues( layer.style.clip ); return( clip[2] - clip[0] ); } return( -1 ); }*/ function getIEClipValues( str ) { var clip = new Array(); var i; // Parse out the clipping values for IE layers. i = str.indexOf( "(" ); clip[0] = parseInt( str.substring( i + 1, str.length ), 10 ); i = str.indexOf( " ", i + 1 ); clip[1] = parseInt( str.substring( i + 1, str.length ), 10 ); i = str.indexOf( " ", i + 1 ); clip[2] = parseInt( str.substring( i + 1, str.length ), 10 ); i = str.indexOf( " ", i + 1 ); clip[3] = parseInt( str.substring( i + 1, str.length ), 10 ); alert("CLIP="+clip); return( clip ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer scrolling. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*function scrollLayerTo( layer, x, y, bound ) { var dx = getClipLeft( layer ) - x; var dy = getClipTop( layer ) - y; scrollLayerBy( layer, -dx, -dy, bound ); } function scrollLayerBy( layer, dx, dy, bound ) { var cl = getClipLeft( layer ); var ct = getClipTop( layer ); var cr = getClipRight( layer ); var cb = getClipBottom( layer ); if ( bound ) { if ( cl + dx < 0 ) dx = -cl; else if ( cr + dx > getWidth( layer ) ) dx = getWidth(layer) - cr; if ( ct + dy < 0 ) dy = -ct; else if ( cb + dy > getHeight( layer ) ) dy = getHeight(layer) - cb; } clipLayer( layer, cl + dx, ct + dy, cr + dx, cb + dy ); moveLayerBy( layer, -dx, -dy ); }*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer background. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setBgColor( layer, color ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.bgColor = color; if ( isMinIE4 ) layer.style.backgroundColor = color; } /*function setBgImage( layer, src ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) layer.background.src = src; if ( isMinIE4 ) layer.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + src + ")"; }*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layer utilities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getLayer( name ) { if ( isMinNS4 ) return findLayer( name, document ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return eval( 'document.all.' + name ); return null; } function findLayer( name, doc ) { var i, layer; for ( i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++ ) { layer = doc.layers[i]; if ( layer.name == name ) return layer; if ( layer.document.layers.length > 0 ) { layer = findLayer( name, layer.document ); if ( layer != null ) return layer; } } return null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Window and page properties. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*function getWindowWidth() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( window.innerWidth ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( document.body.clientWidth ); return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getWindowHeight() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( window.innerHeight ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( document.body.clientHeight ); return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getPageWidth() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( document.width ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( document.body.scrollWidth ); return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getPageHeight() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( document.height ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( document.body.scrollHeight ); return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getPageScrollX() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( window.pageXOffset ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return( document.body.scrollLeft ); return( -1 ); }*/ /*function getPageScrollY() { if ( isMinNS4 ) return( window.pageYOffset ); if ( isMinIE4 ) return(document.body.scrollTop); return( -1 ); }*/